¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a38 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) December 24th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed chartlength on songs on default theme
- ❕✅ Fixed odd pause menu counting where it was counted twice instead of once
- ❕✅ Added SortOrderCourse, to add course sorting to the wheel for course modes
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on some Linux distros with our ALSA driver on 0 indexed cards
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on Linux systems with HDMI only sound outputs
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with ALSA initialisation on newer kernels
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with ALSA buffer handling on newer kernels
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with ALSA playback on newer kernels
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with ALSA HW detection on newer kernels
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with ALSA SongPosition() on newer kernels
This bugset was in here from 2003...
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a37 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) December 23rd 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with noteskins on 32bit/ARM systems due to old fashioned Enum cast
- ❕✅ Fixed crash when generating courses
- ❕✅ Fixed compile warnings and optimised build on windows 32/64bit
- ❕✅ Fixed 2005 bug crash with courses for non-dance modes being generated on music wheel
- ❕✅ Fixed 2004 bug causing crash when beginning screen gameplay on endless
- ❕✅ Fixed 2005 bug causing crash when moving through courses on music wheel on endless
- ❕✅ Fixed 2007 bug with Endless timer freezing after the first song
- ❕✅ Fixed 2005 bug with sorting on endless mode
- ❕✅ New splash for 042... This should be the last build!
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with opening bad/missing ALSA card indexes
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a36 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) December 19th 2023
The OpenGL renderer is now considered deprecated as of this pre-alpha, and OutFox will try to use GLAD first. If that fails, it will fall back to the legacy renderer. This is due to performance and modernisation code we've added the last 2 builds, which gives the game a better usage and speed on systems. You need a GPU from newer than 2005 to support GLAD, or RPi 2+
- ❕✅ Fixed imagecache predefined settings at start
- ❕✅ Set imagecache to resize above 512px by default
- ❕✅ ensure we cache jackets, banners and backgrounds by default
- ❕✅ Fixed invalid bones in characters
- ❕✅ Fixed DancingCharacter loading
- ❕✅ Fixed character bone loading
- ❕✅ Reverted StepsType Change to give notice of the upcoming changes. This will now happen in 044
- ❕✅ Fixed legacy drivers for now on sound
- ❕✅ Fixed sound latency on RPi and SteamDeck/ROG Ally
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with missing stepstypes
Theme Updates:
- Fixed null or 0 profile fitness goals from invoking the resume screen
- Added support for SongSampleModes
(Just like in Soundwaves, you can select the mode in the Experimental settings)
- Added option to toggle Jackets from the music wheel
- Fixed last played text displaying wrong information
- Fix difficulty change not updating high score grade
- Fix style graphics being broken in Evaluation and Edit mode
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a35 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) December 14th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed step error on ScreenSelectMusic in legacy theme
- ❕✅ Fixed math on linestrip drawing on GLAD
- ❕✅ Fixed scaling on linestrip drawing on GLAD
- ❕✅ Fixed rtaudio buffer generation on rtAudio
- ❕✅ Fixed device selection and probing on rtAudio
- ❕✅ Fixed buffer initialisation on rtAudio
- ❕✅ Fixed sanity checking on ImageCache
- ❕✅ Added newer board support to InputHandler_LXIO
- ❕✅ Fixed debug build missing types
- ❕✅ Fixed missing legacy openGL pipe calls that we added to GLAD
- ❕✅ Fixed calculation of fake lift notes in player
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on recursive folders greater than 4
- ❕✅ Added new recursive search/song folder support! This allows for ese/tjadb packs, osu packs, other mode folder support. There is no grouping yet, this will be coming. The folder the chart/map is in will be the group that shows in the wheel, so bear in mind.
- ❕✅ Fixed courses not showing up on SelectCourse
- ❕✅ Fixed extension checking on new recursive
- ❕✅ Added new driver system for MacOS and Linux that adds stability to device detection, if you do not see SDL2 if stats are showing, delete whatever InputDrivers= has in it in your prefs
- ❕✅ Fixed linux detection on Fedora 33+
- ❕✅ Fixed missing information when using /event on screen stats
- ❕✅ Added LYRICS stub for tja, which will be done shortly
- ❕✅ Fixed unnecessary copy in music play
- ❕✅ Fixed arm compiler warnings for armv8
- ❕✅ Fixed LXIO class variable being shadowed
- ❕✅ Synched alpha v dance theme to 1187
- ❕✅ Fixed sound crunchy buffer sizes for linux and MacOS
- ❕✅ Fixed missing length and tap notes from not being parsed in curly brackets
- ❕✅ Fixed taiko balloons needing the head to be hit first
- ❕✅ Fixed taiko drum rolls needing the head to be hit first
- ❕✅ Fixed smx holdcounts needing the head to be hit first
- ❕✅ Fixed GLAD crash on 14.04
- ❕✅ Deprecated OpenGL renderer as GLAD is out of beta and stable
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a34 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) December 10th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed ARM/RPi build and compile
- ❕✅ Fixed BGA skewing/corruption on videos
- ❕✅ Fixed lag with textures for now on GLAD
- ❕✅ Fixed bad audio on MacOS 14 Sonoma when using the RTAudio driver
- ❕✅ Fixed lua hook issues with MacOS 14 and newer GCC (11+) builds
- ❕✅ Added new PandaEnum system to simplify old enumeration system used in SM5
- ❕✅ Fixed PandaEnum when using Localised Strings
- ❕✅ Fixed SMA file parser module compile
- ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed Extended Channel support, we are fully nanasi compliant.
- ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed missing transform channels
- ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed occasional missing POOR BGA trigger on MacOS 12+
- ❕✅ po-mu/be-mu: Added new header fixes which now show the titles and extra information on the wheel, and speed up the title generation.
- ❕✅ po-mu/be-mu: Fixed legacy SM3.9 language for the modes, as we don't need to use bm/pnm anymore on OutFox
- ❕✅ Fixed odd discrepancies in naming in our mode system
- ❕✅ Added new main/sub/title settings for multi-chart modes
- ❕✅ Fixed EnumToString to be simpler and use the new system
- ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed mode strings on graphics
- ❕✅ po-mu: Added new chart genre support
- ❕✅ po-mu/be-mu: added new log output for bad channel calls/unsupported channel calls
- ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed a few tweaks for Krazy notskin
- ❕✅ Fixed crash when loading bad fileobjects
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with sound loader on empty/bad audio files
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with unhandled bad UTF16 / BOM files
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with filedb
- ❕✅ Optimised textbanners
- ❕✅ Added new getchartartist lua command
- ❕✅ Changed cache variation to OutFox.cache to no longer clash with SM/ITGM
- ❕✅ Optimised BMSHeader, and removed its pref from the game.
Dance Alpha V:
Redone the Fitness menu to have a better display for one player
interaction, specifically with touch users.
You can now select a goal to start a fitness session.
Graphs in DetailedStats are now properly reset when in Course mode.
Reworked FadeSlide module for more understandable implementation.
This now allows for precise application of actors and smoother motion
as it is no longer tied to tweens. This new version is stored in
Text.NewFadeSlide.lua, and the original one will be deprecated.
Join button during attract now goes to Select Profile.
TotalTimer now updates when changing a song.
Added options to go to the wiki and the OutFox discord server.
OptionList now supports URLs.
Removed approximate difficulties from DiffSelector.
While they're neat looking to see what difficulties are ahead, I can't
deny that they can be disorienting; specially when both areas were
implemented, so I scrapped it and made the parts where you cannot
scroll more obvious.
SongInfoBox's Title now updates like a scroller.
Given the new updated I did for FadeSlide, this now has better control
when scrolling through songs with long titles, even groups.
Discord module now just says Attract Screen if its in demonstration.
Discord module can now track when the player has paused the game,
and show how long have they paused the game, and reapply the remaining
time when resuming.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a33 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) December 3rd 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed AFT creation on MacOS on GLAD
- ❕✅ Fixed Missing Chinese support on installer
- ❕✅ Fixed gimmick settings
- ❕✅ Added new AFT/AST clipping and depth support for GLAD
- ❕✅ Fixed Geometry draw modes in GLAD
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a32 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) December 2nd 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed compiler guards for discord, so it doesn't crash on linux now
- ❕✅ Fixed gcc issues on newer versions
- ❕✅ Fixed NSIS languages
- ❕✅ Fixed issue with nsis
- ❕✅ Update GLAD Rendering pipe by forcing opengl 2.1, but opening it to mac and linux as well
- ❕✅ Optimise GLAD Rendering pipe functions
- ❕✅ Fix MESA 22.2.x+ support
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a31 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) November 25th 2023
- ❕✅ Use Foxclock for Sound Position
- ❕✅ Fix a few errors in mutex locking
- ❕✅ Add new mainloop limiter
- ❕✅ Fix single argument tweens in pandatemplate
- ❕✅ Fix linking issue in GCC
- ❕✅ Added new Populate Message function for actors
- ❕✅ Added new Actor:AddMessage()
- ❕✅ Fix optimised math no longer being optimised on CLang/MSVC
- ❕✅ Added new Version of the pandaTemplate for gimmicks (V1.2)
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a30 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) November 17th 2023
- ❕✅ Use a better buffer setup for rtAudio on Linux and Mac
- ❕✅ Fix 2007 era Memory heap corruption
- ❕✅ Fix gcc slowdowns
- ❕✅ Fixed rtAudio device creation, stops RPi crashes
- ❕✅ Removed workaround for sound drivers
- ❕✅ Updated docker with new cmake rules
- ❕✅ Added new channel types for BMS
- ❕✅ Added new Modern Mode (22.04+ build for linux)
- ❕✅ Lets not set non-interleaved on audio just yet... fixes garbage audio noise on Linux and Mac
- ❕✅ Break StdString.h and RageUtil circular dependencies
- ❕✅ New namespaces for RageUtil/RageMath
- ❕✅ Fix dead code in PosMap
- ❕✅ Remove inputloop to be redone in individual handlers
- ❕✅ New NoteSkin mod fixes and changes
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a29HF SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) November 13th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed Device initialisation for rtAudio for Mac/Linux
- ❕✅ Fixed buffer sizes on Mac so no more crackles
- ❕✅ Fixed underflow on some older legacy audio systems
- ❕✅ Fixed Handle generation for rtAudio
- ❕✅ Added new by DeviceID for rtAudio
- ❕✅ Fixed buffer sizes and workaround lagging pre-2014 systems
- ❕✅ Fixed docker builds for our linux and steam environments
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a29 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) November 13th 2023
- ❕✅ NEW!! PandaTemplate Time based Gimmicks
- ❕✅ Updated FromString for PandaTemplate
- ❕✅ Sync AlphaV Dance theme to 1178 Fixes Include:
The In-Game Profile switcher
You can now change profiles in the middle of a session!
Just open the options menu like usual, and head to the Switch Profiles options at the bottom
of the list, select a profile and presto!
Modifiers, scores and online connections are taken care of when switching.
For themers: The switcher is very easy to implement. You just need to obtain the local profile ID
you want to switch with, and define which player it will be done on. This local ID can be obtained
using the PROFILEMAN:GetLocalProfileIDFromIndex() function.
GAMESTATE:ChangeProfileForPlayer(player, asssignedID)
For more information, please check the LuaDocs.
Add cursor position reset upon selecting a profile on the in-game profile switcher
Started adding more options on SystemOptions
The theme switcher now works again, just select a theme and press enter to confirm.
All sound effect volume options are now present
Connectivity toggles for OutFox Online and Discord are present
Add support for descriptions
If an option has a description, it will be shown.
Fix title screen buttons sending people to the exit button
Fix search through the prompt screen.
Thanks to Moneko for pointing out this search methodology.
More announcer support
- ❕✅ NEW!! Added LoopModsAllPoptions()
- ❕✅ Fixed issue with reference in sound chain
- ❕✅ Updated rtMIDI to version 6.0.0 in preparation for new updated input and output driver
- ❕✅ Updated rtAudio to version 6.0.1 in preparation for new audio subsystem driver
- ❕✅ Fixed compile for VS2022
- ❕✅ Fixed 2007 era memory heap corruption, better performance for low end machines!
- ❕✅ Fixed GCC/MSVC slowdowns
- ❕✅ Fixed loading times on screens
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a28 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) November 4th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed some arrow effects math
- ❕✅ Fixed compiler warnings on GCC/MSVC
- ❕✅ Fixed scaling issues on Mac 13+
- ❕✅ NEW!! Added new GetWinWidth() and GetWinHeight() commands for gimmick authors
- ❕✅ NEW!! Added new GetWinScale() for gimmick authors
- ❕✅ NEW!! Added new GetAspectRatio() for gimmick authors to know their environment
- ❕✅ Fixed case sensitivity with Enum functions
- ❕✅ NEW!! Adjusted and modernised enum functions within playeroptions
- ❕✅ Fixed GCC complaining about missing forward declarations
- ❕✅ Fixed mutex error in polyphasefilter
- ❕✅ Fixed columnmods and modernised practices in playeroptions
- ❕✅ Fixed missing console when ShowLogOutput=1
- ❕✅ NEW!! We gave in an enabled ONE-PLAYER gimmicks on KBX mode... sigh desu
- ❕✅ Fixed typos with shuffle
- ❕✅ NEW!! PandaTemplate LuaFunc for gimmicks
- ❕✅ NEW!! GameState::ChangeProfileForPlayer - needs theme updating though!
- ❕✅ Fixed headers in RageDisplay
- ❕✅ Fixed PandaUpdate for V1 version
- ❕✅ NEW!! PandaTemplate SetUpdateSleep() function
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a27 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - October 29th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed gimmickmode pref for groove mode
- ❕✅ Added new secret gimmick pandatemplate testing
- ❕✅ Improved mod/gimmick performance in pandatemplate
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on files with never-ending holds
- ❕✅ Added debug output to rtaudio
- ❕✅ Improved thread closing
- ❕✅ Fixed infinite overflow in boomerang
- ❕✅ Added the defines for ZeroMEM as clean or dirty for upcoming macos 15 updates
- ❕✅ Fixed some options in AudioVisualiser
- ❕✅ Added new jack-less build for the increasing number of linux distros without it
- ❕✅ Fixed force deletion in our AFT/AMV pipelines
- ❕✅ Fixed backplates from crashing
- ❕✅ Fixed portaudio from pulling in Jack Daemon when turned off
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on linux gameplay
- ❕✅ Fixed missing songs on songwheel
- ❕✅ Fixed most unparsed songs in additional folders
- ❕✅ Fixed missing BMx/PMS/DTX/TJA charts that were not parsed
- ❕✅ Fixed overflow in musicwheel tween, this lessens wheel stutter
- ❕✅ Fixed pointless divide in musicwheel tween, also reduces stutter on infinitessimal
- ❕✅ Fixed (some) overshooting in infinitessimals and alpha V theme wheels
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a26 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - October 17th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed Crash with launching a song in KBX mode
- ❕✅ Fixed missing language strings on installer, but these need fixing
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed PlayerOptions state resetting full preview
- ❕✅ New!! Added preference to enable or disable Gimmicks support on any mode. If you disable gimmicks, you will be put on the more optimised pathway for rendering if you play stamina or accuracy game modes. This option also lowers latency with keysounded modes, at the expense of disabling mod support.
- ❕✅ Fixed loads of stuff with theme
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a25 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - October 15th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed issue where FoxClock would shadow another system clock on Windows vista/7/8.x/10 32bit
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with 2004 BMS/PMS/BML files with oddly encoded BMPs
- ❕✅ Optimised notefield board drawing
- ❕✅ Fixed drawing in editor
- ❕✅ Fixed FFMPEG shader math so the green single frame is no more
- ❕✅ Fixed FFMPEG buffer stack
- ❕✅ Reverted Pixel pipeline adjustment as it needed more work on BMS/PMS files
- ❕✅ Fixed renderboard initial state
- ❕✅ Fixed crash in editor when attacks load on doubles
- ❕✅ Fixed screen_centre math
- ❕✅ Started to modernise our Enum system within the game
- ❕✅ Fixed missing includeplayer in network highscores
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: FileType
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: Animation
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: Type
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: BGEffect
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: Code
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: ControllerStateButton
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: Songsort
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: AnimationStates2d
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: Month
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: Difficulty
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: EditMenuRow
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: EditMenuAction
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: SockState
- ❕✅ Enum Modernise: EzSocketsProtocol
- ❕✅ Fixed bad casts in render pipeline
- ❕✅ Fixed some issues in minimap
- ❕✅ NEW! Allowed Def.NoteField to use PlayerOptions Approach System for gimmicks
- ❕✅ Fixed compiler over optimised sorting issues on windows
- ❕✅ Fixed scroll issues with PIU charts
- ❕✅ Fixed pointer on musicwheeldata
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on invalid track numbers on old charts.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a24 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - September 27th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed one of the course generation issues
- ❕✅ Temporarily Fixed crash on RemoveAllButOneOfEachName()
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with bad DWI era .LRC files
- ❕✅ Optimise Pixel Encode/Decode (Thanks RAvenGEr)
- ❕✅ Fixed a small typo with playeroptions
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a23 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - September 24th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with piuio initialisation on linux
- ❕✅ Fixed freezes with some load elements
- ❕✅ Fixed and optimised some bugs in Def.Visualiser
- ❕✅ Fixed memory leaks from our framebuffers
- ❕✅ Added ScreenTextEntry:GetText() (see lua docs for more information)
- ❕✅ Added self:GetSound to editor
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed mouse cursor selection
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed mouse drag states
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed misplaced input cycles
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed mouse cycles and updates
- ❕✅ Editor: Added new Mouse X/Y functions that are correctly scaled for legacy themes/content
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed issue with speed mods, now the system uses ArbitrarySpeedMods() on options
- ❕✅ Fixed ancient issue with automatically translated DWI songs overwriting song titles
- ❕✅ Sync up the Dance theme with our upstream
- ❕✅ Fixed logo for theme being the playtest
- ❕✅ Fixed mute actions not working after first press
- ❕✅ Fixed couples on pump layout
- ❕✅ Fixed couples on smx layout
- ❕✅ Renamed the new userspace PIUIO driver to mk6piuio
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a22 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - September 10th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with #LASTBEATHINT ending songs early due to StepMania 3.x editor shenanigans.
- ❕✅ Added "PacDriveLightOrdering=" preference to select lighting system wiring via PacDrive (Thanks jsirex)
- ❕✅ Added "original" legacy wiring layouts on PacDrive Linux and Windows 32/64
- ❕✅ Added "lumenar"/"openitg" layout for PacDrive Linux and Windows 32/64
- ❕✅ Added "minimaid" wiring layout for PacDrive Linux and Windows 32/64
- ❕✅ Fixed casts in DebugTimer
- ❕✅ Fixed overengineered fix in gameloop
- ❕✅ Fixed missing Halt/Slow debug functions
- ❕✅ Fixed TapNote init msvc compiler warnings
- ❕✅ Fix and optimise DebugTimer
- ❕✅ Fixed missing cast lua_num in togglesongs
- ❕✅ Fixed type method in FailCombo
- ❕✅ Fixed EffectColours map to vector
- ❕✅ Fixed compile with Win32 / Linux UserSpace MK6PIUIO driver (it needs light init fixing)
- ❕✅ Fixed legacy LibUSB calls for MK6PIUIO
- ❕✅ Added legacy SM4 DebugTimer functions and features for gimmicks and drivers
- ❕✅ Added new EffectColoursMap for effects in actor
- ❕✅ Fixed axisfix being on all the time on SDL driver
- ❕✅ Allow RandomMovie picker to get from song group
- ❕✅ Fixed missing backplates for KBX
- ❕✅ Fixed parser optimisation warning
- ❕✅ Fixed missing banners
- ❕✅ Fixed NetworkServices: Disconnect
- ❕✅ Fixed background changes
- ❕✅ Fixed docker environment builds as canonical has broken gcc
- ❕✅ Fixed intel compiler derp in zlib
- ❕✅ Added data pass to arroweffects
- ❕✅ Added HoldLetGoGrayPercent for SimpleHolds
- ❕✅ Added GetNumCoOpPlayers for pump
- ❕✅ Fixed Missing steps lookup in ScreenDemonstration/Jukebox
- ❕✅ Added allow Profile to create Song folder for customsongs
- ❕✅ Optimised ShaderMan use and calling methods
- ❕✅ Added shaders to notepath
- ❕✅ Fixed ProcessBPMs in PIU parsers
- ❕✅ Added Player.SetMineSound()
- ❕✅ Fixed edge case PIU file loading crash
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed options menu from crashing on course exit
- ❕✅ Editor: Added option to toggle Minimap and classic info
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed backgrounds not displaying/saving
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed Edit Menu - Set last edited steps when entering
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed legacy .edit chart loading
- ❕✅ Editor: Send text info during preview mode
- ❕✅ LuaConsole: Add support for paste, help text
- ❕✅ Editor: Minimap: Draw Warp Areas
- ❕✅ Editor: Minimap: Support for mouse drag
- ❕✅ Editor: Minimap: Support for reverse
- ❕✅ Editor: Minimap: Scrollable area set
- ❕✅ Editor: Minimap: Optimise draw calls
- ❕✅ Editor: Minimap: Set to own class for performance
- ❕✅ Editor: Minimap: Initialise and set up new platform
- ❕✅ Editor: Allow keysounds to play on Preview
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed misses not being generated on play
- ❕✅ Editor: Fixed marathon charts not being loaded
- ❕✅ Fixed bad math with Stop calculations in piu parser
- ❕✅ Fixed bad math with bpm changes in piu parser
- ❕✅ Fixed underflow in piu parser
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a21 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 23rd 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with PIU 0.81 StepF2 files
- ❕✅ Added new internal PIUIO Driver stubs to RageInputDevice
- ❕✅ Added new bitwise helpers for future PIUIO/ITGIO drivers for cabs
- ❕✅ Added new Mk5PIUIO Driver for Windows 32
- ❕✅ Fixed tapnotes for non co-op charts displaying as P4
- ❕✅ Fixed 'dumb' compiler notes for Python23IO so it doesn't mess up Linux/Mac compiling
- ❕✅ Added new Linux_PIUIO driver, Thanks D. Pohly
- ❕✅ Added new Linux SextetStream Support, Thanks Peter s. May
- ❕✅ Added Linux_TTY keyboard driver from SM4
- ❕✅ Fixed buffer underrun in SteamDeck driver on Windows
- ❕✅ Modernised BPMsAndStops() in PIU Parser
- ❕✅ Fixed MSVC compiler warnings in our parsers with a small performance boost
- ❕✅ Fixed version stub on MacOSX as we were showing 5.3 from our legacy days
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a20 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 20th 2023
(Win32 driver test build)
- ❕✅ Fixed F4 causing crashes in editor
- ❕✅ Fixed Warp Marker for SM parser
- ❕✅ Fixed Parsing iterator initialisation
- ❕✅ We had to move our minimum supported MacOS to 10.13, this was an apple thing sadly

- ❕✅ Fixed Python 2/3 Driver for windows 7 32bit - PLEASE TEST
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a19 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 18th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed build env for legacy systems as we're using newer libraries
- ❕✅ Fixed dual input on def.optionslist
- ❕✅ Fixed missing playernumber on def.optionslist
- ❕✅ NEW!! Working SteamDeck standalone driver! This driver allows the game to properly work with the deck's controls, which allows for extra joystick/pads/controllers to be plugged in, without Steam overwriting the input causing some of those buttons to be lost when pressed. it requires a different driver setup.
You need to use:
or if you're using midi as well,
or just the deck:
This driver works on windows and linux - it's not complete, I need to disable the mouse/keyboard emulation, but once that is done, we're golden.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a18 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 18th 2023
Compiling sucks as half past midnight... Pump Bros...
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with people that had .mid files included in 2004-2008 dance packs from ziv...
- ❕✅ Fixed cringe rounding error in screen width math
- ❕✅ Fixed method in how CopyTexture works in returning references
- ❕✅ Fixed ASTs to work with the new system
- ❕✅ Fixed placement of test input screen so it shows more button
- ❕✅ Fixed Def.OptionsList bugs preventing it working properly
Editor Fixes
- ❕✅ Added Save and load last edited song. (Needs tweaks to get the steps as well, already saving the diff and
style for this!)
- ❕✅ Rewrote XMod/CMod scrolling for editor preview.
- ❕✅ Fixed render distance to not be ridiculous.
- ❕✅ Allow notefield to hit notes in-between warp areas.
- ❕✅ Made transition from XMod to CMod instant.
- ❕✅ Fixed render distance for Stop block areas, as they kept drawing outside of the intended area.
- ❕✅ Fixed CMod editor scrolling being offset by the global offset from the player.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a17b SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 15th 2023
Windows Addenda -
- ❕✅ Fixed Judgement folder being wiped on uninstall, so custom judgements will not be wiped anymore.
- ❕✅ New Build process. Those of you on Windows, if you have time, please try between Option A and Option B for performance/feel so we can choose a suitable development path for the future.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a17 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 13th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed frame limiter system - if you have an unstable vsync, you can now force a frame rate using the UpdateDrawLoopSeconds pref, which will give you a set FPS update!
NOTE: If you have an ASUS/Alienware/ACER Gaming/DELL Gaming/MSI Gaming/Medion Gaming/Sapphire Gaming/Sammsung Gaming/HP Gaming system and are running Windows 11 - it will try to throttle your machine to reduce your 'carbon footprint' check your control centre, and your GPU/Controlpanel settings. My own Laptop was throttled to 30FPS on 'office mode' but when switched to gaming mode, this was unlimited FPS! This update has been pushed out over the past 6 weeks, but it is affecting Outfox and many other games as well.
- ❕✅ Fixed DIV0 exploits in the loop
- ❕✅ Added new Reset() command to Timer
- ❕✅ Fixed stuck keys on MacOS
- ❕✅ Fixed stuck key repeat on input
- ❕✅ Fixed Tab not speeding up the game on some systems
- ❕✅ "Fixed" Lyric display for faster and slower rates, it's a workaround, not a permanent fix, we plan to rewrite the whole system in time.
- ❕✅ Fixed lyrics not showing when the rate was below 0.5 on pi and linux systems
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a16 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 12th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed SetActiveFrame() animation
- ❕✅ Fixed missing arch specifc MacOS cmake options
- ❕✅ Fixed missing templating for SetActiveFrame()
- ❕✅ Removed JACK support on MacOS as Apple have removed it from the OS
- ❕✅ Fixed SelectGameMode not allowing selection on MacOS
- ❕✅ Fixed GameMan Crash on MacOS
- ❕✅ Introducing MacOS 14 Sonoma Support!
- ❕✅ Fixed GAMEMAN init order
- ❕✅ Fixed Memory overflow in gameloop
- ❕✅ Fixed Small optimisation in gameloop
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on GH/RB parsing
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on TJA parsing
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on DTX parsing
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a15 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 11th 2023
- ❕✅ Updated gddm icon
- ❕✅ Fixed GetDuration on midi parser
- ❕✅ Added gh drum support in midi parser
- ❕✅ Added gh drum (normal5) style to playable options in rb
- ❕✅ Added new normal5 icon
- ❕✅ Fixed strum stutter on windows (please test)
- ❕✅ Fixed white dot in rb noteskin
- ❕✅ Optmised gh notedata, and set things to instrument
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on empty charts in midi parser
- ❕✅ Added TNS_W4 to pump miss for correct combo checking
- ❕✅ Added new cross code for gh to rb drum support in parser
- ❕✅ Added new combo support for pump: bad now breaks miss combo, good no longer increments combo, bad zeros hit combo - thanks to andrey for bitching at us to fix it
- ❕✅ Fixed errors in gameplay.lua to ensure the combocontinue and combomaintain function correctly in pump
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a14 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 8th 2023
❕✅ NEW!! Introducing support for OutFox's 19th Game Mode - Boxing! This mode is designed to be set up at a gym and played with joy-cons or a similar setup. It's great fun and has a variety of punch styles. We are working on gyro/VRK support so you can play this with those controllers.
❕✅ NEW!! Introducing support for OutFox's 20th Game Mode - rb! This mode compliments our gh mode and is based on the familiar chart format .mid The game supports. the mode is made up of rb-easy, which is the normal 4 drum lane without the kick, rb-normal, which is the usual 4 drum lane and supporting the kick, and rb-pro, which is 4 drums, 1 kick and 3 cymbals. You can utilise songs from gh which contain drum charts easily enough!
.chart is going to be worked on later on, this is just the skeleton remember, so a theme and mode specification and changes will happen to improve the game module, as is done with all our supported games.
This mode also makes OutFox the only sim in the world to support 4 Different game drum modules: gddm, taiko, bongo, rb. We hope you'll be as hype as us for this milestone, and to continue improving our coverage and accuracy in the modules that we support.
rb supports PRO DRUMS out of the box, again the theme is lacking as we need to stop developing crap and focus on it in Q3/4 of this year. This mode also supports our MIDI drivers for eDrum kits! you can now use your eDrums on more than one drum mode!
❕✅ NEW!! drum, pro-drum lane support for the mid parser! This required a major rewrite of the parsing system to match one similar to gddm/gdgf so the game knew which part of the chart was drum and such. Please test and let us know if there are any MIDI songs that have issues. Remember .chart hasn't been adjusted yet!
❕✅ Fixed quirk with LXIO hanging on Windows 11
❕✅ Fixed some prefs being broken in the default metrics.ini file
❕✅ Fixed incorrect fret notes in midi parser
❕✅ Fixed multi-track support in midi parser
❕✅ Fixed songs with only 1 track being used incorrectly in midi parser
❕✅ Fixed lane allocation within midi parser
❕✅ Fixed missing note types in the midi parser
❕✅ Fixed detection of forced notes in the midi parser
❕✅ Fixed detection of pro-drums in midi parser
❕✅ Fixed missing expansion of notes needed for drum charts
❕✅ Fixed difficulty detection in midi parser
❕✅ Fixed missing event text support in midi parser
❕✅ Added new enums for difficulty and chart types in midi parser
❕✅ Added new opus support for songs in the midi parser
❕✅ Fixed missing backgrounds in the midi parser
❕✅ Added new guitar support: pro guitar, 6 fret guitar skeletons in midi parser
❕✅ Added new drum support: pro drums, easy drums, normal drums in midi parser
❕✅ Added new keys support: pro keys and normal keys skeletons in midi parser
- ❕✅ Fixed missing graphics on new mode
- ❕✅ Fixed quirk with bad bpm calls on midi parser
- ❕✅ Fixed quirk with time signatures on midi parser
- ❕✅ New!! Added digital control driver for SteamDeck using HIDRAW. Analogue is to be finished. Ask squirrel if you have windows on your deck on how to test, i will build linux in the mornin as i'm dead.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a13 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - August 5th 2023
- ❕✅ Forced best guess pref on Linux to fix Kernel 5.13+ issues
- ❕✅ Added new #Metadata tag to the SSC specification.
- ❕✅ Added TNS_W5 to reset combo for pump
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with non existing driver being presented
- ❕✅ Fixed quirk with game mode resetting
- ❕✅ Fixed bug in lua not being reset correctly when changing game mode
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on some systems that do not present a loading window
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on rendertargets
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on screens which do not require notedata
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with lateplayerjoin() on some modes by rewriting the function completely
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a12 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - July 30th 2023
Two builds in one day edition!!
- ❕✅ Added FailPlayerInstantly when FailComboAt is reached (optional for pump)
- ❕✅ Fixed missing pushback for optionslists (for pump)
- ❕✅ Fixed Missing OptionsLists Clear (for pump)
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with erasing mods lists on the new modstring system
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with ShaderManger on some Linux/Mac versions
- ❕✅ Added 'AddCheckpointToHead' for pump holds, means hold heads no longer count as tap notes.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a11 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - July 30th 2023
- ❕✅ Added a PointSize() function for Actors to compliment Points Polygon Mode
- ❕✅ Added NoteCullMode, that lets you set culling for notes
- ❕✅ Added F&B cull mode option to Actors, for 3D Models
- ❕✅ Added Note-Specific WireFrame
- ❕✅ Added Column-Specific NotePathWidth
- ❕✅ Added Note-Specific ScrollSpeedMult
- ❕✅ Added Note-Specific ExtendHolds
- ❕✅ Added Def.OptionsList, For Pump themes, and other modes [Please Test]
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with MIDI parser not loading some older CH files
- ❕✅ Added Actor Matrix Rotation commands and lua hooks
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with 2003 code in DirectX matrix math rounding... we don't use DirectX anymore
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with slow loading on legacy/SD card systems
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with Screen hanging on Linux/Mac
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with the Garbage Collector hanging theme refreshes on reboots of the game
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with CLANG compiling on Mac
- ❕✅ PUMP: Added combo effects for good and boo judges
- ❕✅ PUMP: Added new FailType_MissCombo which will fail players for 51 misses in a row.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a10 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - July 28th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with 1bit and 2 bit bmp corruption on vintage (1998-2002) BMS files
- ❕✅ Updated stb to reduce memory leaks on texture loading
- ❕✅ Fixed ManageProfiles not running OnCommand functions
- ❕✅ Added a new screen: ScreenOptionsToggleSongs to allow operators to select what songs are available from the music wheel. This menu is available in 'Operator Options' in fallback.
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with ScreenEditMenu not being alphabetical
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with FFMPEG videos not working on Intel Macs
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with 2001 resolution math breaking theme layouts from SM4_beta and < SM 5.0.7, and some content from other forks. This resolves the framebuffer bugs added in 0.5.0-r021
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with width not being a flat number
- ❕✅ Added points support to Polygon Mode
- ❕✅ Fixed Profile Editor screen from removing the current profileID when restarting
- ❕✅ Fixed Mac compile in NoteTypes
- ❕✅ Added judgeable row condition on notefield autoplay to prevent hits on warp areas
- ❕✅ Added basic obj condition when loading a .obj file in a def.model()
- ❕✅ Added NoteGroupTypes to GetNoteData() and SaveToLua(): Mentioned in TeamRizu/OutFox#666, this adds the NoteGroupType to the Lua table result that indicates the kind of group. This is necessary for the hold types as we have included MineHolds and tail-end holds.
For tails, a special rule was added to only include it on the list if said tail was part of a Lift-Hold. If not, it will be reported as a standard note in the table.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a9 SSE3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - July 8th 2023
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed player centre alignment
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed longsong label
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed cancel in EditProfile
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Notefield fixes
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed bug with outer filter failing on Select Music
- ❕✅ Fixed compiler warnings
- ❕✅ Fixed TextEntry not being available via lua
- ❕✅ Removed legacy calls choking the glad renderer
- ❕✅ Fixed compile on mac/linux
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with rendertarget stack corruption
- ❕✅ Added new bg shader support - this is called via compilebg and compileimmediatebg and doesn't rely on songbeat or fmusicseconds
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with texture deletion calls on linux
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with texture free calls on linux
- ❕✅ Fixed offset player math in soundwaves
- ❕✅ Updated SDL to 2.28.2
- ❕✅ Fixed onemodstring narrowed math calls
- ❕✅ Fixed shadermanager quirks and edge case crash
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a8 SSE 3 TEST BUILD (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - July 7th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with text entry sound calls crashing
- ❕✅ Fixed a few bugs with math calls
- ❕✅ Added flat map
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with imagecache
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with oob animation remaining time
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with tapnotes
- ❕✅ Fixed static cast with luna numbers
- ❕✅ Fixed song loading crashes
- ❕✅ Fixed mutex lock on song loading causing a forever hang
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on render target stack with ARM boards
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with changing screen resolution
- ❕✅ Fixed missing controllers on MacOS
- ❕✅ Fixed missing controllers on *nix and ARM
- ❕✅ Optimised the game to support SSE3 intrinsics - test this for now so we can see how it behaves
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a7 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - July 5th 2023
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed instance when the user has not enough profiles to fill up
the entire list in SelectProfile.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed instance when there are no profiles at all on SelectProfile.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fix scrolling for SelectProfile
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed the scrolling for items on the right side.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed items not being selectable when connecting to OutFox Online.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Moved Link Account to Profile to a proper spot.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Changed font for search to be monospaced.
To preserve the "SEARCH" label, it is kept as a static bitmapText.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Changed design for next/prev buttons for OptionList.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Set an "Off" label for Announcer picker. Will be useful for later
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Made dropdown transitions and movement faster.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Avoid making Game Select dropdown set the game on the current one.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Changed the Game Select dropdown icons with the StyleVector ones.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed mouse input when selecting profile in ScreenSelectProfile.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed movement for supplemental input modes in InitialSetup.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Added "groove" to game mode listings.
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: GridSystem: CheckBoundry now returns the cursor for quicker lookup.
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with missing paths on linux memory cards due to new kernels
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with attacklist eating resources
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with missing attack approach rate calculations
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with selectprofile screen
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with missing fScale boolean check causing a few quirks
- ❕✅ Added new client linking skeleton (Features to come soon!)
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with ScoreSave lua hook
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with lifeweights for itg timing
- ❕✅ Fixed edge crash with game changing
KNOWN BUGS: we are working on them!
- ❌ - Changing resolution will crash the game on some systems
- ❌ - Steam Deck Input issues with LTek pads, will be fixed soon, I just need to write the new driver
- ❌ - The crashes on Windows 7 we are investigating still
- ❌ - Let us know if you have other issues so they can be fixed!
¶ Note: Mods will be called Gimmicks in Project OutFox moving forward, as we have more modes that use this term, and 'mods' are used for speed, rather than snazzy arrow/object effects. Thanks for understanding!
To play Gimmick Charts on this build of OutFox, you need to select the GROOVE mode. We have removed the main Gimmick lists and crazy sides from the Dance Mode for performance concerns for folks that play Acc/Stamina.
Thanks for your support as always, and we hope you like these changes, I know it's a bit mad with all the new gimmicks, but these have been requested for some time.
¶ OutFox 0.5.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a6 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - June 28th 2023
Poptions and AllTheMods (Part 2 of 2) build. MTK's Power Level is over 9000! - Squirrel
- ❕✅ Fixed bad boolean math with fScale narrowing 'close to zero'
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with EndOfSong from failing on FailCombo
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed init screen
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed wheel favourites
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed bug with minixoffset on screengameplay
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed color change issues
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Added new screen avatar fixes
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Added new options and profile fixes
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Added new initial setup screens
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Fixed wheel items
- ❕✅ AlphaV Dance Theme: Added new click helper areas for mouse/touch panel users
- ❕✅ New! Added metric to themes to allow chart audio to be hidden for chart specific files - Closes TeamRizu/OutFox#645
- ❕✅ Added link to original SM credits screen in fallback for folks that requested it
- ❕✅ Fixed bad logarithmic transcription in tiny, we needed base10
- ❕✅ Fixed missing none image to be-mu/po-mu backplate
- ❕✅ Fixed cached images showing on jackets instead of HD versions
- ❕✅ Added new lua hooks for favourites
- ❕✅ Added new Profile:GetLastdifficulty
- ❕✅ Fixed invalid colours in ScreenOptionsManageProfiles
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific asymptote
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific attenuateX, attenuateY, attenuateZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific beat, beatY, beatZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific blink
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific blinkred, blinkgreen, blinkblue, blinkalpha
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific boost
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific boomerang
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific bounce, bounceZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific brake
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific bumpy, bumpyX, bumpyY
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific centered
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific confusion
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific confusionoffset
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific confusionX
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific confusionxoffset
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific confusionY
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific confusionyoffset
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific cubicX, cubicY, cubicZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific digital, digitalZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific dizzy
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific drunk, drunkY, drunkZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific expand
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific flip
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific hidden
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific hiddenred, hiddengreen, hiddenblue, hiddenalpha
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific hiddenoffset
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific hiddenoffsetred, hiddenoffsetgreen, hiddenoffsetblue, hiddenoffsetalpha
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific invert
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific moveX, moveY, moveZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific noteskewX, noteskewY,
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific orient, orientX, orientY
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific parabolaX, parabolaY, parabolaZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific pulseinner, pulseouter
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific randomspeed
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific reverse
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific roll
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific sawtooth, sawtoothZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific shrinkmultX
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific shrinklinearX
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific shrinkmultY
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific shrinklinearY
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific shrinkmultZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific shrinklinearZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific spiralX
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific spiralXoffset
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific spiralXperiod
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific spiralY
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific spiralYoffset
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific spiralYperiod
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific spiralZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific spiralZoffset
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific spiralZperiod
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific stealth
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific stealthred, stealthgreen, stealthblue, stealthalpha
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific sudden
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific suddenred, suddengreen, suddenblue, suddenalpha
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific suddenoffset
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific suddenoffsetred, suddenoffsetgreen, suddenoffsetblue,suddenoffsetalpha
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific square, squareZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific tanbumpy, tanbumpyX, tanbumpyY
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific tandigital, tandigitalZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific tandrunk, tandrunkY, tandrunkZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific tanexpand
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific tanpulseinner, tanpulseouter
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific tantornado, tantornadoZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific tornado, tornadoZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific tiny, tinyX, tinyY, tinyZ
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific twirl
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific vanish
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific wave
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific xmode
- ❕✅ Added Note Specific zigzag, zigzagZ
¶ OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a5 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - June 24th 2023
Poptions and AllTheMods (part 1) build. God help me writing this... - Squirrel
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with some modfiles due to wrong function
- ❕✅ Remove 2003 era float overruns from game
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with legacy GL1.1 calls being used instead of 2.0-> ones when available
- ❕✅ Added ModsMap to the game
- ❕✅ Added new lua binding to enable backwards compatibility to the new mods system
- ❕✅ Added new fast abs function (xabs(x)) to the game
- ❕✅ Added new ActiveModsCol to the game
- ❕✅ Optimised comparisons in ArrowEffects
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with non-combo highscores overflowing and being saved incorrectly
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with alpha being applied on the be-mu/po-mu miss layers
- ❕✅ Fixed float compares on critical approach functions
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with tan mods in ragedisplay
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with game mode switching
- ❕✅ Fixed crash with theme switching on some modes
- ❕✅ Fixed some file closure calls being in the wrong place due to squirrel oopsie
- ❕✅ Optimised Column Specific mod reading so they don't run like ass
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with duplicate variables being pushed into our stack
- ❕✅ Fixed fake judgements being added when there is no player stage
- ❕✅ Added a new 'GetNoteAmount' system to the game
- ❕✅ Added new tapnote enums to the game
- ❕✅ Added new NoteBeatAdj to the game
- ❕✅ Added new def.notefield update loops to the game
- ❕✅ Added new shader support to notes and receptors
- ❕✅ Added new playeroptionssimple to ensure no performance loss in modes that do not need modding support
- ❕✅ Added new imagecache compression system to the game
- ❕✅ Added new Networkservicemanager system to the game
- ❕✅ Added new score saving and new user registration to the game
- ❕✅ Added new 'rate' system to limit updates and frame changes for models
- ❕✅ Added new API token system to the game
- ❕✅ Fixed Matrix math for shaders
- ❕✅ Added SSL support for the networking system
- ❕✅ Fixed compiling and support for windows and mac for SSL, ensuring they sign correctly
- ❕✅ Added ThemeSoundModes to the game
- ❕✅ Added server send and receive for scores, timing, judgements and user attributes
- ❕✅ Fixed missing player profile saving items
- ❕✅ Added a new way to load a NSkin board, so it doesn't leak memory
- ❕✅ Added new notefield previews to the game to support song wheels
- ❕✅ Added new Poptions system
- ❕✅ Added new methods to simplify the player options used on performance critical modes
- ❕✅ Fixed crashes with imagecache on SimplyLove and A3/Starlight
- ❕✅ Fixed order of calls for luaglobals
- ❕✅ Added new music wheel sorting to leak less memory
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on older themes when a player late joins
- ❕✅ Added new method to call some mods that were not properly set
- ❕✅ Added new faster math operations for mods
- ❕✅ Added new column checks so the array does not overflow
- ❕✅ Raised stats.xml size
- ❕✅ Added new column mod system to the game
- ❕✅ Added new approach mod snap system
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with songgroup vector
- ❕✅ Added new GetLogsPath for win32, though it should have been there a long time before
- ❕✅ Fixed bugs with legacy hard coded paths
- ❕✅ Fixed bugs with speed mods in new poptions code
- ❕✅ Added new KBX system support
- ❕✅ Fixed tween endings sometimes being skipped
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with mod replay/call order
- ❕✅ Added new clock system for some calls
- ❕✅ Fixed a microstutter bug call from 2005
- ❕✅ Fixed spline issues
- ❕✅ Removed legacy asserts on button calls
- ❕✅ Added Actor VanishPoint to the game
- ❕✅ Added new favourites system to the game
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on miniholds
- ❕✅ Added new mod aliases
- ❕✅ Added new lua functions to properly affect ActiveMods
- ❕✅ Added new ActiveMods list
- ❕✅ Added new Hitsound system to reduce lag
- ❕✅ Added new FT_Sound fixes to work with the timing system
- ❕✅ Added new CAMOD for taitai mode
- ❕✅ Changed BGA to be chart based for SSC/SM chart systems, to allow for per chart backgrounds
- ❕✅ Added new osu based key/hitsound support
- ❕✅ Added support for steps in getbga()
- ❕✅ Added new sound mutexes
- ❕✅ Added new SSC hold metric features
- ❕✅ Added new ArrowEffectsOriginal for backwards support
- ❕✅ Added fixes to SimpleMods
- ❕✅ Added new randomseed
- ❕✅ Added new Groove mode, designed for modding, to prevent the normal dance mode from running mod systems it doesn't always need.
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with tinyycol approach
- ❕✅ Added Drawholdsandtapsinsameloop pref
- ❕✅ Added XScrolls segment type
- ❕✅ Added playeroptions.getstring
- ❕✅ Added change with tiny, old behaviour is TinyPull
- ❕✅ Added HoldCullMode
- ❕✅ Added ApproachType Modifier
- ❕✅ Added Alpha channel variations for the visibility of mods
- ❕✅ Restored RandomVanish
- ❕✅ Added two new mods, Randomise and Vanish to split randomvanish
- ❕✅ Added OrientX and OrientY
- ❕✅ Added column specific Zigzag and ZigzagZ
- ❕✅ Added column specific Sawtooth and SawtoothZ
- ❕✅ Added new caching method to fix deadlocks
- ❕✅ Added column specific Dizzy
- ❕✅ Added column specific Twirl
- ❕✅ Added column specific Roll
- ❕✅ Added column specific (Tan)Drunk
- ❕✅ Added column specific (Tan)DrunkY
- ❕✅ Added column specific (Tan)DrunkZ
- ❕✅ Added column specific Beat, BeatY, BeatZ
- ❕✅ Added GetFirst/GetLast DisplayedBeat take a column
- ❕✅ Added column specific Boost
- ❕✅ Added column specific Brake
- ❕✅ Added column specific ScrollSpeedMult
- ❕✅ Added column specific Timespacing
- ❕✅ Added column specific StealthMines
- ❕✅ Added column specific StealthHolds
- ❕✅ Added column specific ExtendHolds
- ❕✅ Added column specific Orient, OrientX, OrientY
- ❕✅ Added column specific (Tan)Tornado and (Tan)TornadoZ
- ❕✅ Added column specific Square and SquareZ
- ❕✅ Added column specific SpiralX, SpiralY and SpiralZ
- ❕✅ Added column specific ParabolaX, ParabolaY and ParabolaZ
- ❕✅ Added column specific CubicX, CubicY and CubicZ
- ❕✅ Added column specific CenteredPath
- ❕✅ Added column specific (Tan)Tipsy
- ❕✅ Added SetCurrentBeat and SetcurrentMusicSeconds
- ❕✅ Added JudgeScale from oITG
- ❕✅ Added Player.SendFakeJudgment
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with redundant islua command
- ❕✅ Fixed bug with sound copying
¶ OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a4 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - June 18th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed string.format breaking with no integer form
- ❕✅ Fixed CVE in cpr lib so we can compile for older OSs
- ❕✅ Fixed legacy linux build support
- ❕✅ Fixed compiler guards for cpr lib so it works with our system
- ❕✅ Added new be-mu/po-mu miss threshold for how long the miss layer remains visible
- ❕✅ Removed 2 pointless ASSERT calls as they no longer are relevant
- ❕✅ Fixed background draw in po-mu layers
- ❕✅ Fixed mac compile
- ❕✅ Adjusted singleton system to assist with memory management
- ❕✅ Fixed but with conditional states on pandathread
- ❕✅ Fixed backup/fallback for the new 'groove' mode option
- ❕✅ Fixed thread calling order, as we run slightly differently now to SM
- ❕✅ Fixed quirk in sound driver that can cause a lock
- ❕✅ Fixed win compile and loading
- ❕✅ Fixed endless loop with unlockman
- ❕✅ Fixed shader calls so they now use memory cleaner
- ❕✅ Allowed shaders to have wide multitexture support
- ❕✅ Allowed our shader system to use 16 TUs for modding
- ❕✅ Added new gettuslots() call for modders to know how many units they have available
- ❕✅ Make drivers TU Alloc shader aware
- ❕✅ Fixed TU used in our ffmpeg driver to be RPi and legacy ATI/AMD/Nvidia friendly
¶ OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a3 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - June 9th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed leak in be-mu backgrounds
- ❕✅ Added Fe-Dora build environment to support 37->
- ❕✅ Fixed background data loading in be-mu and po-mu
- ❕✅ Fixed quirk with invalid background changes on older BMS/PMS files
- ❕✅ Added MISS/POOR support for be-mu / po-mu
- ❕✅ Fixed Mac sound issues
- ❕✅ Fixed bug in fileopen
- ❕✅ Fixed memory leaks in file loading
- ❕✅ Fixed memory leaks in song parsing
- ❕✅ Fixed fonts double loading
- ❕✅ Fixed LoadingWindow memory leaks
- ❕✅ Tidied up all our macros
- ❕✅ Fixed performance issues with the notefields
¶ OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 042-a1 + a2 (Main PRETEST PlayTest Build) - May 13th 2023
- ❕✅ Fixed leaks with file handles
- ❕✅ Fixed leaks with bad pointers
- ❕✅ Fixed loading window double cast, fixes a lag issue when loading on pi
- ❕✅ Fixed macro calls and optimised methods for tweens
- ❕✅ Fixed bugs with c-style code not being optimised
- ❕✅ Sped up tween math for mods
- ❕✅ Added ASin Math
- ❕✅ Fixed crash in lua with math.random
- ❕✅ Poptions optimisations for A-C - cleaning up the games code
- ❕✅ Fixed crash on newer linux clients requesting higher than supported colour profiles
- ❕✅ Optimised parser code pathways
- ❕✅ Fixed portaudio compile on linux
- ❕✅ Fixed getposition on portaudio
- ❕✅ Fixed wasapi link on rtaudio
- ❕✅ Sped up math calculations for sine based tweens
- ❕✅ Fixed missing posmap on audio optimisations
- ❕✅ Fixed wheelbase item data sorting for future options for non-dance modes
- ❕✅ Removed autoptr from the game
- ❕✅ Let math.random accept numbers
- ❕✅ Fixed cmd lua support for 5.4.6
- ❕✅ Updated lua to 5.4.6
- ❕✅ Fixed gamemode pointer system
- ❕✅ Added more debug options on windows
- ❕✅ Fixed taiko noteskin count rolls
- ❕✅ Fixed buffer issue with msdfile
- ❕✅ Cleaned up notedisplay destruction
- ❕✅ Fixed pointer issues with ragetexture