Do not enable 8k texture support at this time, as it will give you GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY problems.
Please wait until it's mentioned in a later update.
NOTE 1: If you are on newer AARCH64 based distributions of linux, (Manjaro/Arch) you will need to do:
$ sudo pacman -Sy glu mesa-git
You will need to follow the tutorial here to get better performance on your ARM device:
NOTE 2: If you are on a raspberry Pi 3B/3B+ or 4 and want 64bit, you have native GL2.1 desktop drivers on the following image direct from the Raspberry Pi foundation:
NOTE 3: If the game boots into the GLAD renderer, exit on the menu and set the game to use opengl
in Preferences.ini. It will be within your ~home/.stepmania 5.3/save
NOTE 4: NO SOUND! As per some of the issues with the inbuilt systems on the RPi, if you have many entries of broken pipe in your log files and ALSA errors, this is often worked around with a usb sound card or similar. I have not seen anything on Manjaro which matches this so far it appears to be a Debian issue on the PI.
NOTE 5: Don't expect crazy performance/perfect playback! We are still learning to tweak the engine for better ARM based performance, so please be patient!
(The 'source' code below is the reporting issues template, it is not the source for OutFox)