Actors have the ability to transition from point A to point B using Tweening.
It allows for queueing up movements & transitions on position, size, color and other attributes as well as commands and messages.
These help with queueing actions after a certain amount of time.
The actor waits for a given amount of seconds before performing the next command.
Like sleep, but the actor is also hidden for the duration of the hibernate.
These functions manipulate the flow of the tweening
These tweens are what most people would be familiar to those who work with ITG and SM3.95
The actor transitions at a constant rate.
It's done in Lua in SM5 for some reason.
It's done in Lua in SM5 for some reason.
Takes a string that references a global function
These tween functions were added in SM5.
A 2D or 3D bezier curve can be passed into the function to allow for extra tweening options.
OutFox added all of the standard easing functions. All of these are prefixed with ease
and in
in: easeinsine, out: easeoutsine, inOut: easeinoutsine
in: easeinquad, out: easeoutquad, inOut: easeinoutquad
in: easeincubic, out: easeoutcubic, inOut: easeinoutcubic
in: easeinquart, out: easeoutquart, inOut: easeinoutquart
in: easeinquint, out: easeoutquint, inOut: easeinoutquint
in: easeinexpo, out: easeoutexpo, inOut: easeinoutexpo
in: easeinback, out: easeoutback, inOut: easeinoutback
in: easeincircle, out: easeoutcircle, inOut: easeinoutcircle
in: easeinelastic, out: easeoutelastic, inOut: easeinoutelastic
in: easeinbounce, out: easeoutbounce, inOut: easeinoutbounce