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Rotation modifiers rotate the notes on the x, y or z axis, and can also rotate the receptors in some cases.

Some noteskins may affect how the effect looks due to how rotation and zoom interact in the notefield.

OutFox and Open/NotITG act the same way, while earlier versions of SM5 may act differently.


Desc: Notes spin as they reach the receptor, with more rotationz added the farther away from the receptor a note is.

Common values involve multiples of PI to make some amount of rotation happen per beat.

For example, 628% means the notes do a full rotation every beat before hitting the receptor.

Quirks: Unlike Twirl & Roll, the rotation is based on beat distance and not physical distance. Hold heads aren’t affected unless DizzyHolds is used.

PlayerOptions format: Dizzy(<magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: Dizzy(3.14, 2)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> dizzy

Example: *2 314% dizzy

Available sub modifiers:


Desc: Enables Dizzy to affect hold heads. When used in 5.1, hold heads will still turn while held.

PlayerOptions format: DizzyHolds(<enable>)

Modstring format: <enable> dizzyholds


Desc: Notes twirl as they reach the receptor, with more rotationy added the farther away from the receptor a note is.

Values can go from -200 to 200% and beyond.

Quirks: Also affects holds in their entirety. Single-sided noteskins may result in invisible notes sometimes (As seen in the video example).

PlayerOptions format: Twirl(<magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: Twirl(2.2, 3)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> twirl

Example: *3 220% twirl


Desc: Notes roll as they reach the receptor, with more rotationx added the farther away from the receptor a note is.

Values can go from -200 to 200% and beyond.

Quirks: Single-sided noteskins may result in invisible notes sometimes (As seen in the video example). Does not affect hold heads.

PlayerOptions format: Roll(<magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: Roll(1.7, 3.4)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> roll

Example: *3.4 170% roll


Desc: The notes and receptors spin constantly. Has X, Y and Z variants available. Not commonly used in modfiles compared to its’ Offset sub-modifier. 100% usually works as a magnitude.

Quirks: The effect is beat-based, with the magnitude being a multiplier. 100% means a full rotation every ~6.28 (2*PI) beats

Available Variants: Confusion, ConfusionX, ConfusionY

Available Variants (modstring): confusion, confusionx, confusiony, confusionz (NotITG alias for confusion)

PlayerOptions format: <Confusion variant>(<magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: Confusion(0.5, 2)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> <modstring variant>

Example: *2 50% confusion

Available sub modifiers:


Desc: Allows one to rotate the notes and receptors by a static amount. Good for keeping the notes & receptors oriented properly while rotating the Player. Note that the magnitude is in radians.

628.3185% is enough for a full rotation. (Another way to put it is PI * 200 if used in modstrings and PI * 2 if using PlayerOptions.)

Available Variants: ConfusionOffset, ConfusionXOffset, ConfusionYOffset

Available Variants (Column-Specific): ConfusionOffsetCol, ConfusionXOffsetCol, ConfusionYOffsetCol

Available Variants (modstring): confusionoffset, confusionoffset<column>, confusionxoffset, confusionxoffset<column>, confusionyoffset, confusionyoffset<column>, confusionzoffset (NotITG alias for confusionoffset), confusionzoffset<column> (NotITG alias for confusionoffset<column>)

PlayerOptions format: <ConfusionOffset variant>(<magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Column-specific format: <Column-specific variant>(<column>, <magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> <modstring variant>


Desc: Orient rotates the notes and receptors based on their travel direction. That means other mods, like Drunk, can influence this modifier.

Often 50% to 100% is good enough for an effect, as too much may make notes unreadable.

Quirks: When a column is Reversed, 314% ConfusionOffset may be desired for the column (or field if the whole field is reversed)

PlayerOptions format: Orient(<magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: Orient(1, 0.25)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> orient

Example: *0.25 100% orient