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Color modifiers

Color modifiers affect the color of notes in some way. A lot of these follow similar behaviors to the Visibility modifiers, alongside with some extra functionalities.

<color> can be 'ColorType_Red', 'ColorType_Blue' or 'ColorType_Green', and is how one chooses the color channel to affect.

These modifiers generally share usable values between 0 to 100%.


Desc: Bring a color channel of the notes down to zero (This does not affect the actual glow color). Unlike normal Stealth, this doesn’t have column-specific variants.

Quirks: N/A

Available variants (modstring): stealthred, stealthr (NotITG alias), stealthblue, stealthb (NotITG alias), stealthgreen, stealthg (NotITG alias), diffuse|<r>|<g>|<b> (NotITG alias)

PlayerOptions format: StealthColor(<color>, <magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: StealthColor('ColorType_Red',1,1)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> <modstring variant>

Example: *1 100% stealthred


Desc: The color channel starts turned off, and turns on at the middle of the field.

Quirks: N/A

Available variants (modstring): suddenred, suddenr (NotITG alias), suddenblue, suddenb (NotITG name), suddengreen, suddeng (NotITG alias)

PlayerOptions format: SuddenColor(<color>, <magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: SuddenColor('ColorType_Green',1,1)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> <modstring variant>

Example: *1 100% suddengreen

Available sub modifiers:


Desc: Offsets the point where the color channel turns on.

Available variants (modstring): suddenoffsetred, suddenredoffset (NotITG name), suddenro (NotITG alias), suddenoffsetblue, suddenblueoffset (NotITG name), suddenbo (NotITG alias), suddenoffsetgreen, suddengreenoffset (NotITG name), suddengo (NotITG alias)

PlayerOptions format: SuddenOffsetColor(<color>, <magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> <modstring variant>


Desc: The color channel starts turned on, and turns off at the middle of the field.

Quirks: N/A

Available variants (modstring): hiddenred, hiddenr (NotITG alias), hiddenblue, hiddenb (NotITG name), hiddengreen, hiddeng (NotITG alias)

PlayerOptions format: HiddenColor(<color>, <magnitude>, <approach rate>) Example: HiddenColor('ColorType_Blue',1,1) Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> <modstring variant> Example: *1 100% hiddenblue

Available sub modifiers:


Desc: Offsets the point where the color channel turns on.

Available variants (modstring): hiddenoffsetred, hiddenredoffset (NotITG name), hiddenro (NotITG alias), hiddenoffsetblue, hiddenblueoffset (NotITG name), hiddenbo (NotITG alias), hiddenoffsetgreen, hiddengreenoffset (NotITG name), hiddengo (NotITG alias)

PlayerOptions format: HiddenOffsetColor(<color>, <magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> <modstring variant>


Desc: The color channel blinks on and off. Still considered as bad of a mod as normal Blink.

Quirks: Same as Blink.

Available variants (modstring): blinkred, blinkr (NotITG alias), blinkblue, blinkb (NotITG alias), blinkgreen, blinkg (NotITG alias)

PlayerOptions format: BlinkColor(<color>, <magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: BlinkColor('ColorType_Red',1, 1)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> <modstring variant>

Example: *1 100% blinkred


Desc: Allows one to modify the color used for the glow effect of the Visibility mods.

Quirks: Unlike most modifiers (including NotITG’s implementation of this modifier), this starts at 100%, mimicking how glow’s red, green, and blue values start at 1.

Available variants (modstring): stealthglowred, stealthgr (NotITG alias), stealthglowred<column>, stealthglowblue, stealthgb (NotITG alias), stealthglowblue<column>, stealthglowgreen, stealthgg (NotITG alias), stealthglowgreen<column>, stealthglow|<r>|<g>|<b> (NotITG alias), stealthglow<column>|<r>|<g>|<b> (NotITG alias)

PlayerOptions format: StealthGlowColor(<color>, <magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: StealthGlowColor('ColorType_Red',0, 1, true):StealthGlowColor('ColorType_Green',0, 1, true):Stealth(0.25, 1)

Column-specific format: StealthGlowColorCol(<color>, <column>, <magnitude>, <approach rate>)

Example: StealthGlowColorCol('ColorType_Green',1,0,1,true):StealthGlowColorCol('ColorType_Blue',1,0,1,true):StealthGlowColorCol('ColorType_Red',2,0,1,true):StealthGlowColorCol('ColorType_Blue',2,0,1,true):StealthGlowColorCol('ColorType_Red',3,0,1,true):StealthGlowColorCol('ColorType_Green',3,0,1,true):StealthGlowColorCol('ColorType_Blue',4,0,1,true):Stealth(0.25)

Modstring format: *<approach rate> <magnitude> <modstring variant>

Example: *1 0% stealthglowred, *1 0% stealthglowgreen, *1 25% stealth *1 0% stealthglowgreen1, *1 0% stealthglowblue1, *1 0% stealthglowred2, *1 0% stealthglowblue2, *1 0% stealthglowred3, *1 0% stealthglowgreen3, *1 0% stealthglowblue4, 25% stealth

Gradient Modifiers

Gradient modifiers allow for arbitrary color pathing, and are not compatible with the color modifiers.

Activating these will turn off the color modifiers above in terms of rendering.

In SM5, these are accessed through PlayerOptions like most modifiers (And have the same chaining mechanics as the other functions). In NotITG, this is accessed through the Player instead.

There are three types available (It’ll be denoted as <type> in the function listing below):

  • “Diffuse” (Affects the diffuse of the notes & holds), known as “Arrow” in NotITG.
  • “NotePath” (Affects the color of the NotePath), known as “Path” in NotITG.
  • “StealthGlow” (Affects the color used for Stealth and other Visibility modifiers), known as “Stealth” in NotITG. Will not visibly work on noteskin elements that are wrapped in ActorFrames.


Desc: Sets how many points the gradient has for the column. Resets the path to all white at the start.

  • 0 points means the gradient is turned off (color = white)
  • 1 point means the whole path is given a single color
  • 2 or more points allows for more arbitrary path coloring.

PlayerOptions format: <type>NumGradientPoints(<column>, <point count>)

NotITG format: SetNum<type>GradientPoints(<column>, <point count>)


Desc: Set the position for a given point in the column’s gradient. The magnitude given translates into multiples of ARROW_SIZE (commonly 64 pixels).

PlayerOptions format: <type>GradientPoint(<column>, <point>, <position>)

NotITG format: Set<type>GradientPoint(<point>, <column>, <position>)


Desc: Set the color for a given point in the column’s gradient.

PlayerOptions format: <type>GradientColor(<column>, <point>, <red>, <green>, <blue>, <alpha>)

NotITG format: Set<type>GradientColor(<point>, <column>, <red>, <green>, <blue>, <alpha>)

Example code (SM5):

local color = {
	--      c1,        c2,        c3,        c4,        p2
	{{1,0,0,1}, {1,1,1,1}, {0,0,1,1}, {0,1,0,1}, {0,1,1,1}, {0,0,0,1}, {1,1,0,1}, {1,0,1,1}},--point1
	{{0,1,0,1}, {1,0,0,1}, {1,1,1,1}, {0,0,1,1}, {1,0,1,1}, {0,1,1,1}, {0,0,0,1}, {1,1,0,1}},--point2
	{{0,0,1,1}, {0,1,0,1}, {1,0,0,1}, {1,1,1,1}, {1,1,0,1}, {1,0,1,1}, {0,1,1,1}, {0,0,0,1}},--point3
	{{1,1,1,0}, {0,0,1,0}, {0,1,0,0}, {1,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,1}, {1,1,0,1}, {1,0,1,1}, {0,1,1,1}},--point4
for pn = 1,2 do -- Do this for both players
	local a = po[pn]
	if a then
		for col = 1,4 do-- Do this for four columns.
			a:StealthGlowNumGradientPoints(col,4) -- Each column will have 4 points.

			-- Each point is 1 ARROW_SIZE below the previous point.

			-- Each column will have their own color pattern, as defined in the color table.
			local pla = pn == 2 and col+4 or col
		a:Stealth(0.25) -- 25% Stealth, use currently set approach rate (default = 1)

Example code (NotITG):

local color = {
	--      c1,        c2,        c3,        c4,        p2
	{{1,0,0,1}, {1,1,1,1}, {0,0,1,1}, {0,1,0,1}, {0,1,1,1}, {0,0,0,1}, {1,1,0,1}, {1,0,1,1}},--point1
	{{0,1,0,1}, {1,0,0,1}, {1,1,1,1}, {0,0,1,1}, {1,0,1,1}, {0,1,1,1}, {0,0,0,1}, {1,1,0,1}},--point2
	{{0,0,1,1}, {0,1,0,1}, {1,0,0,1}, {1,1,1,1}, {1,1,0,1}, {1,0,1,1}, {0,1,1,1}, {0,0,0,1}},--point3
	{{1,1,1,0}, {0,0,1,0}, {0,1,0,0}, {1,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,1}, {1,1,0,1}, {1,0,1,1}, {0,1,1,1}},--point4
for pn = 1,2 do -- Do this for both players
	local a = SCREENMAN:GetTopScreen():GetChild('PlayerP'
	if a then
		for col = 0,3 do-- Do this for four columns.
			a:SetNumStealthGradientPoints(col,4) -- Each column will have 4 points.

			-- Each point is 1 ARROW_SIZE below the previous point.

			-- Each column will have their own color pattern, as defined in the color table.
			local pla = pn == 2 and col+5 or col+1
		GAMESTATE:ApplyModifiers('25% Stealth',pn) -- 25% Stealth, use default approach rate (default = 1)

Video Example (Shows colors set for Player 2):