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Allows one to display images on screen. These images can be a png, jpeg, gif or even a video file.

	Texture="MyTexture.png", -- The Texture is optional, you can start a sprite without a texture.
	-- You can manipulate the amount of frames that a sprite can use using the Sprite argument.
		-- The structure for the Frame is as follows:
		--{ Frame = int, Delay = float , {float,float}, {float,float} }
		-- The two tables are optional upper left and lower right corners of the fraction of the
		-- frame to use.

		-- This will make a 4 frame sprite toggle between its frames for 0.5 seconds,
		-- making a 2 second animation.
		{ Frame = 0, Delay = 0.5 },
		{ Frame = 1, Delay = 0.5 },
		{ Frame = 2, Delay = 0.5 },
		{ Frame = 3, Delay = 0.5 },
		-- You can also load new textures after assigning one beforehand.
		-- The path in Load is absolute, so you must put the entire path to the new image.
		self:Load( --[[ [Path to another texture] ]] )

		-- You can pause or jump to other sprites with the following commands.
		self:animate(0) -- 0 pauses the animation, 1 resumes it (Can be used as well for Models).
		self:pause() -- An alias for animate(0) (Can be used as well for Models).
		self:play() -- An alias for animate(1) (Can be used as well for Models).

		-- setstate jumps to a frame of the animation assigned. Animation states are 0-indexed.
		self:setstate( 2 ) -- Jumps to the third frame of the animation.
		-- If an out-of-range value is assigned ( < 0 or > #Frames ), an error is displayed
		-- displaying the total amount of frames available on the current sprite.

		-- The Frames set can also be manipulated during runtime, by using the SetStateProperties
		-- function. This example now inverts the animation.
				{ Frame = 3, Delay = 0.5 },
				{ Frame = 2, Delay = 0.5 },
				{ Frame = 1, Delay = 0.5 },
				{ Frame = 0, Delay = 0.5 },

Table of Contents


Name Type Action
Texture string Path to the texture to use for this sprite actor.
Frames table The table containing the frame per frame information to be interpreted by the actor. For more information, see Managing Frames.
Frame[NNNN] number Alternative method for Frames’s version of { Frame = number }, used for backwards compatibility with older actors.
Delay[NNNN] number Alternative method for Frames’s version of { Delay = number }, used for backwards compatibility with older actors.