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Used to play sound files outside of the common theme sound effects and the simfile’s song itself.

Removes the need to use SOUND:PlayOnce(), as it allows for pre-loading the sound file at the start instead of loading (possibly many times) and playing the sound mid-screen.

	-- Load the audio called MySound, which is a ogg file in this example.
	-- Lets the audio pane from side to side. Useful for audios that need to play on a specific player side.
	-- Allows the audio to change rate and pitch.
	-- this assigns the audio to be an Action, which is a flag for sounds that allows it to be muted by the player,
	-- with the use of the Mute Actions key (Default to "Pause").
		-- When creating the actor, sound will not play automatically, so you need to use the play command
		-- to perform such action.

		-- If the audio has the "(loop)" flag set on its filename, it will loop infinetly. So to top it, use the
		-- appropiate command.

		-- If the sound needs to be paused on a particular frame, and not to reset, use the pause command.
		self:pause( true ) -- Use false to resume it.

Table of Contents


Name Type Action
File string The audio file to be utilized for this Sound.
SupportPan bool Lets the audio pane from side to side. Useful for audios that need to play on a specific player side.
SupportsRateChanging bool Allows the audio to change rate and pitch.
IsAction bool Assigns the audio to become a Sound Effect, which allows it to be muted by the player if they so choose from the Effect Volume Introduced in Project OutFox 4.9.9 or by the MuteActions preference.
Precache bool Tells the engine to store this sound on memory for later use.